One new hang tag that I particularly excited about is this folded hang tag for my tire lotus planters.
I had previously designed a smaller, business card sized hang-tag, which which works fine for my smaller works. But these have a sence of volumous grandure, and so it occured to me that their signage needed to be in better proportion.
Attaching the smaller ones was a challenge too, so I designed this tag to be able to perch on the edge/lip of the planter, or perhaps in its basin, as its display dictates.
While I am pleased with the further development of this hang tags functional design, as well as its surface design, front and back, what I enjoyed the most about redesigning this tag was taking the oppurtunity to add some serious descriptive text to its interior.
And to this task, I really didn't hold back, and I think I let some of the magic that I experience working with tires come through. What resides inside is basically a poem, narrating the tire's transformation from a forgotten 'vagabond' into a new being. I do hope that visitors will spend a little time with this, as I feel it is really a key into some of the alchemy that reptire designs engages in.